
If you were given a chance to change your race/gender what would it be?

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  1. Current: race = indian, gender = female

    If I had the chance to change it, I would choose to be a European but still a woman. Cause I like open mindedness, not narrow minded indian mentality. I appreciate my role as a woman, and do not desire to change it.

  2. no; i will not give that information. But the question reminds me of another question that fits here. If you could know the time of your death would you choose to live again?

  3. It would be a bad chance, or a metaphysically impossible chance. No way I need it. I'm happy being what I am. The grass is always greener on the other side--till you get there and find it has to be mowed more often.

  4. i am currently an Asian tarzan, a Malay race! not a yellow skinned asian.

    if and only if...

    change my race in a certain time and place.

    i'd choose to be a Mayan...a pure mayan living in an aztec world.

  5. Im currently a jamaican chick and i would be a jamaican chick. I mean how can i not? JAMAICA IS THE BEST ISLAND!

  6. I am a girl and Armenian, I would never change my ethnicity to anything other than Armenian. I would not want to be a guy either.

  7. I wouldn't change it.  All PC stuff aside, being born a white male in America is a pretty sweet deal.

  8. I'm an Indian girl, but if I could change I would become a Caucasian, and/or a guy.

    Honestly, because Indian men don't have much respect for Indian women. It's the Indian culture. It irritates me so much. However, Caucasian women are seen as strong, independant, confident and "open minded", and that's how I am. But I'm not seen as I am, I'm seen as a "typical Indian girl", meek and quiet and all that. People are often surprised when they get to know me. If I was Caucasian, maybe people would see me as I am, instead of what other Indian girls are like. (Or used to be like.)

    And I would become a guy because it seems so much easier. I don't know if it is in fact easier to be male, but it seems as if it is. Although Feminism has abolished the opression of and discrimination against women, there are ideas in people's minds about how women should be, especially Indians.

    But I would never become an Indian male. Ugghhhh, I don't ever want to be like my father.

  9. I would be a genderfuck black with blue eyes.

    Right now I'm latino-caucasian and female. . But hopefully it won't stay that way for too long.

    -bf jb nm

  10. I understand that i should think equal in all race and gender therefore I enjoy my present status and no harm if i remain in present or any change in the status.

  11. Currently I am a bi-racial (black and white) female.

    If I could change my race/gender I would definitely be an asian male. LOL.  

  12. I wouldn't like to change it forever, but I'd like to try being a guy for a day.

    I am a white teenaged female.

  13. I won't change my gender/race 'coz I don't want to be asked the same question again (no offense). I mean, the question won't stop until I am satisfied with what I am. I am an Asian male.

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