
If you were given a million dollars...?

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And told that you can spend it however you'd like as long as it benefited GWS in some way, how would you spend it?




  1. I would spend it in a way to help women, children and men in third world countries who have a paucity of access to basic things like food, water, shelter, basic medicine for malaria, basic vaccinations which have pretty much eradicated many viral illnesses in the West.

    The remainder of this money I would use to advance lobbyinng interest aimed at marginalizing Feminism in the US.

    And if it's within the bounds of Genderly and Womenly Science, I would like to use some of the proceeds to purchase a very nice ride to attract some s**y ladies for my personal sexual gratification whereby I could be sexually objectified to the fullest extreme by virtue of my phat ride, e.g. something no more glamorous than a BMW 7 series.

  2. id donate it to red cross..

  3. I'd spend it on Y!A admins who knew what the h**l they were doing.

    Also, I'd pay off a few unworthies to leave and never come back.

  4. Hire a team of hackers to hack GWS and find out who does all the reporting.

  5. Work to convert anti-male feminist laws, like VAWA, into gender neutral laws that treat all humans the same.  

    Convert all government funded women's agencies into agencies that work for the interests of both sexes.

  6. I'd definitely like to donate it for more ways to improve Breast Cancer research...

  7. Harleys and Pit Bulls for the 1st 40 GWS members that show up

  8. KFC for everyone.............apart from you, you can have the bones.

  9. "I'd buy you a monkey"..

    ummm barbecue for all the regulars? meet up some place cool no one is seychelles or something.

    Then we can continue the fight in person over beer.  

  10. fast

  11. As a rule I don't like lawyer, but some of the money would definitely go to funding this guy's activities

  12. I would use it to buy s*x toys, accessories and products, its a study of women, after all, a study of their anatomy!  

  13. I would build a huge mansion/establishment to house women that have been abused or addicted to drugs that gives them a second chance at life, rebuilding their self esteem and educating them so they can be independent and self supporting.

  14. I'd donate some of it to a charity that helped women in under-developed countries.  Then I would probably spend some of it on myself.  I contribute to GWS, so that would be legit... right?

  15. My permanent employment as The Official GWS Big Kahuna.

  16. Give it to MRAs (last time i checked men were a gender so it would fall into the gender catagory of gender and women's studies)

    or s*x ed programs that teach abstinence, contraception and stds, but not abortion

  17. I'd rent a hotel and throw a party for everyone. Euros instead of dollars please!

  18. Give it to Yahoo to buy more servers and tech support people so YA isn't so frikken slow and error-ridden.

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