
If you were given an opportunity to care for gentoo penguins at a zoo or an aquarium, would you do it?

by Guest63496  |  earlier

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If you were given an opportunity to care for gentoo penguins at a zoo or an aquarium, would you do it?

Well, you know me, I would in less than a heartbeat. I love the cutie gentoo penguin so much! When I get the chance to, I promise myself that the one gentoo penguin that seems to like me and follow me around the most, I will name Oreo.

Here, watch this video, too.

See how much fun, and curious, and cute a gentoo penguin can be? This gentoo is even cute when he scratches an itch he has on his head. He scratches it with his foot! :)

This penguin would be the perfect one that I would name Oreo. For his fun and cute behavior. It has to be "that one gentoo penguin that follows me around and stays close to me because it likes me" type.




  1. Penguins aren't my favorite animals but I would jump at the chance since I like all animals.

  2. I love penguins.I really would.But i think my parents won't let me to.

  3. yes i would love to look after any animals lol

  4. At one time I might have jumped at the chance..but I now prefer to study birds in the wild.  

  5. If i am given a chance, then i will! Because i also love penguins, like you. But this time i'm still concentrating on the earth's environment.

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