
If you were given the chance to change the Constitution, would you? If so...what changes would you make?

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Just curious....

Thx. : )




  1. have to say AMEN to Jas G's answer......

    There are several telling stories that are not true these days....

    Remember to get out and vote in November....

  2. I would list things that are NOT rights:

    You do not have the right to never be offended.

    You do not have a RIGHT to success or comfort.

    You do not have a right to be given anything by the community.

    You do not have the right to any *thing* that you did not purchase with your own money or was not given to you specifically by another individual.

    You do not have a right for "feel good."

    You do not have a RIGHT to health care.

  3. I'd put it back like it was.   Before income tax was legal and State Senators were appointed by State legislators instead of be popularily elected.

  4. I would specify a right to privacy and an absolute wall between government and religion.

  5. America has come so far in the past 232 years. We have achieved things unheard or unseen in the thousands of years of recorded history. But I feel that we have come to that time that we need to sit down and analyze where we have come and what our goals are. Before it was as though we had a purpose. That if you felt like you were mistreated or unrepersentated then America was the place for you, the place where dreams become reality.

    We've lost that as a people. We sit back and we dont care what happens. Our constitution is something that shouldnt be touched because it served its purpose what needs to happen now is the rewriting of the constitution for our current state.

    I know it is extreme a thought and the chances of it ever happening are slim to none, but dont think of me as a crazy for one second but analyze.

    We vote not directly for a president but from an electorate.

    We know that there are tons of great leaders that are not Republican and are not Democrats and because of that they will never get elected.

    We know that our repersentation in Congress have never looked out for the best interest as a whole, when the Supreme Court has made some of the most revolutionary judgments that have shaped the direction of this country

    We know that one man can undo in 8 years what it took us 200 years to achieve.

    When we know all this, is it not about time that we use the constitiution to ensure that future generations have a direct voice. Shouldnt we see that our nation is so different in all states that that is what makes us who we are. That those differences should not be used or exploited as tools for politicians. We should move to a more repersentative government. That lets the states ultimately decide what happens. Because we are all so different that we should respect that and have our constitution reflect that.

    So I ultimately believe that the change needs to occur so that the power is held more by Congress then by our Executive branch, because One Man can no longer repersent a people. The days of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt are long gone...

    "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America..."

    its about time it had a much needed facelift to reflect the needs of the American people today rather then that of those back in 1787

  6. Ensure that birth right citizen ship only is granted when at least one parent is a US citizen.

  7. I would add term limits on the senate and the house.

  8. Could probably tweek up the 2nd Amendment a little bit to make it clearer just what the Founding Fathers were going for.

    And maybe add on what to do if an elected official is found to be lying on purpose.  I think you know who I am talking about here, but even in cases of the Supreme Court or Congress.

  9. No eminent domain

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