
If you were going to be a bug which bug would you be and why?

by Guest63913  |  earlier

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ok I would be a Lady bug to eat all the green fly.




  1. A bed bug....... then would not need an excuse to stay in bed all day!!

  2. A roach would be my choice. They survive

    in all parts of the world and they are one of the oldest life forms on Earth.

  3. If a Fly is a Bug. Then I would be a Fly on the wall. Watching things no one else could see!

  4. A ladybug! They are so cute,and mellow!

  5. a micro bug, and listen to all conversations

  6. A ladybug

    Because there so cute



  7. a butterfly

  8. I wood be a bee,then i wood look for and sting all the evil doers!

  9. Id be one of those little green ones that you find near windows and stuff those are cool! i named them hermies :P

  10. giant centapede cos there crazy things like me. lol

    dont watch if you dont like animals eating other animals.

  11. well not a cockroach, thats for sure......i hate em they scare me thats why...........they get squashed too lol

    yeah, id be a ladybird as we call em here in aus

  12. I would like to be a Dragonfly or a Maiden they are so beautiful ,my ultimate choice would be a Butterfly.

  13. A shimmering Dragonfly.

  14. I would be a phoneutria (the species of banana spider that lives in South and Central America) because they can protect themselves easily seeing as they are the deadliest spider, and their enormous size.

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