
If you were in a Quran school,how long did you study and where ?

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If you were in a Quran school,how long did you study and where ?




  1. I was in a religious school for a year, then I stopped due to several reasons.

    Currently, I am studying the Quran under a Saudi teacher in an Islamic Center near my house.

  2. Alhamdul Illah I have memorized the Whole Quran!

  3. in saudiarabia.. they have Islamic classes manditory in all elementary schools up to 12th grade..

    along with the regular science, math, reading, writing, arabic poetry, ancient arabic words,  art, computer, 2nd language (usually english), home economics, physcial education (which is a joke, only 1 day a week).. we have the following which is not all one class, quran reading/memorizing, tawheed, hadeeth, fouka, and tajweed.. learn the history if Islam, the prophets life, the companions, how to pronounce the words of the quran, what some mean, special events.. and even comparasons of other former prophets.. all this in elementary...  

  4. I was in 1 for about 2 weeks....but it only met once a week.   In the second class they said we had to memorize how to write a surah in arabic ( i can' read arabic, but i don't know the language)......or don't bother coming to i never went back.    

  5. I was not in a Quran school...Quran school in my opinion most of them teach extremism.

  6. About 2 years, Pakistan.

    And no they don't teach extremism, there's a difference between being strict and being extreme, extreme is a very harsh word to use. These Qur'an schools deserve some respect and appreciation, it's not an easy job.

  7. Enough long to warrant a Psychiatrist treatment afterwards.

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