
If you were in a hogwarts house what would it be?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I would most certainly be in the house of Slytherin,

    I've always had a little thing for Professor Snape the

    D.A.D.A or the defenses against the dark arts has always fascinated me..

  2. Ravenclaw, I hope.  However, everytime I take the little test, it says Hufflepuff.

  3. Oh my gosh, I LOVE Gryffindor and Ravenclaw!

    But every time I take a quiz in which Hogwarts house I'm gonna be in, I always end up getting either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw!

    I have nothing against Ravenclaws, as you can see from my picture of Luna, lol. :)

    But if it was my first year at Hogwarts, and I went up to the stool and got the sorting hat on my head, I know that I'd be in Gryffindor, because, I mean, it's all about what house you wanna be in, right? :D so I'm a Gryffindork, I mean - GRYFFINDOR! :D

  4. Ravenclaw fo' sho'.

    I'm a nerd all the way and I love how they have to answer logical questions before they can enter their common room. :D

  5. Ravenclaw, or slytherin!

    I remember beating the quidditch world cup game with Ravenclaw, and I wrote a fanfic about a character in Slytherin because Malfoi was really awesome.

    But I'm starting to like ron now, i dunno why.

    Gryffindor is ok

    Only because they always win the house cup.


  7. I would make my own!!!

    It would be better.....

  8. Gryffindor or Slytherin i have a spilt personality so i don't know

  9. ravenclawww

    i have a thing for intellectuals

    and i got it at a sorting thingy one time at the book premeire lol

  10. I would either want to be in Gryffindor or Slytherin... very contradicting I know... but those are my two favs

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