
If you were in a hot air bloon would a bounce ball brake on inpacked?

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Like if it was high. Casuses a bounce ball bounces half the distantses. Would it bounces the half or brake?




  1. How about I help you by correcting the question?

    If you dropped a BOUNCY ball from a hot air BALLOON, would it BREAK apart on IMPACT.  

    Ok, look, I can't even decipher the second part...something about causes and distances?

  2. it depends on how high the balloon is.  the ball is gonna accelerate toward the earth at 9.8 meters per second squared until ir reaches its terminal velocity (the speed at which wind resistence overcomes the pull of gravity).  the terminal velocity depends on the mass and surface area of the ball, so its different for different objects. as long as it hits a smooth surface, I don't think it will break.  rubber bullets don't break on impact, so I don't think a rubber ball would either.

  3. So what you were trying to ask was:

    "Would a bouncy ball break on impact if it were dropped from a hot air balloon?"

    It depends on the type of ball and onto which type of surface you are dropping it.  Are you dropping the ball into cement, a grassy field? dirt? water?

  4. It totally depends on what surface you drop the ball on if you dropped it on concrete and it reached maximum kinetic velocity(maximum falling speed) which is 150mph (i think) i would say that the ball would completely get smashed up but hey who knows it could bounce back.

  5. It depends on the narcotics you are using at the time.

  6. Disregard physics and learn basic grammatical skills.

  7. The only way could anyone could possibly know this answer is if they know the strength of the ball, and the force of the ball hitting the ground, then compare the 2.   Then hope the ball doesn't hit anything that would puncture it.  

    Really, there is no way of knowing.

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