
If you were in a relationship,and your girlfriend/boyfriend supported your rival football team.?

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What do you do on match days,after the teams have played each other...Do you meet up , or not..This is a new relationship..looking for advice please..




  1. We live together and im Celtic and he's Rankers but it's just a game - a laugh and joke  

  2. either way angry s*x is great and pity s*x is fun

  3. get stuck right into her no matter what never let football *** between your nat king

    hi wee joe what kind of songs were you singing BUT

  4. ave been in that situation ,,,,,,,it was ok between me and her  but her father was murder...

  5. i could say to ignore the 8itch and treat her like 5hit until she sees sense and realizes she is in the wrong.but i wont,i just wont,ok.

  6. i went out with a proddy witch i went hame her brothers were in the house they did not like the fact i was singing even though it was us that got beat they put me in the hospital best stick to your own sort mate

  7. My partner just now doesnt go to games although he does support Rangers. On previous ocassions though if I have went out with a rangers fan, just meet up afterwards. However much you like your team and dislike theirs, it shouldnt alter your feelings towards them

  8. its simple bet on it with sexual favours that way you never lose!

  9. That depends on whether you have a bit on the side mate?

    Have one of each it makes life a lot easier!  

  10. When I lived in Glasgow, no, I wouldnt meet up with her, you need time to enjoy your victory or get over the draw or defeat. Personaly I like to do that with people that support the same team.

    Now living in Belfast, things are a bit different, its not the same as in Glasgow so I would meet up with a GF that supported Rangers as long as it was just the 2 of us. Saying that, I've never had a Gers supporting GF since living here so wouldnt know for sure, they all support English teams

  11. Watch the thumbs down here, Never mind what team she supports

    you have to get the basics in place or any relationship never works.

    Does she cook, is she good at ironing, can she fix the hoover if it breaks down, would she be happy with an ornament for her birthday, will she put you to bed when you come in drunk.

    These basics require immediate attention before asking what teams she supports.

  12. if her team has done well tell her that then tell her to hurry up and get the tea on

  13. It actually adds to the spice of a relationship, and often means you get lots of sympathy s*x if your team loses, especially if you mope about.

  14. difficult....agree to go to one game of both sides each together...if this is the love of your life then you can overcome the football surely?

    if you slip in the line that her bum looks big in her teams colours that may help too :-)

  15. You should do as I did and marry her. My wife is a Rangers fan and I am a Celtic fan, she sadly does not go to the football any more.

    The kids obviously go to the football with me though. Well they love Celtic as much as me. They don't give mummy too much hassle on match days, well not TOO much. Hahahaha!!!!

  16. tell her to go get a life and start supporting a decent team lol

  17. my partner supports celtic and i support rangers we both have a bit of fun slagging each others teams but nothing too serious cos its all about the banter we've been together for 17 years and have never fell out over football  

  18. Well,if my girlfriend supported Rangers and my boyfriend supported Celtic,I'd shag the one whose team lost that day,to console him or her.That's what you meant,wasn't it?

  19. is that not called a love-hate relationship


  20. If you would honestly let a bunch of chavs kicking a bag of wind about get in the way of a potential relationship then you need to get a life!

  21. Well, my boyfriend doesn't even like football, so it's even more difficult because I spend most of the match explaining how it's different to rugby league.

    Anyway, for you, I'd just meet up after the match and joke around for a bit.

  22. Frick sake, if you are even contemplating football at this stage of the relationship forget it.

    All new relationships should involve sewing the duvet over each other and forgetting that you need to stop for sustenance.

    BUT if you must, depending on the result, I would still meet up with her go for a bevvy etc.

    If either team gets humped then the victor gets to do the same to the other partner in the relationship.

    Look out for my new column in one of the red tops soon.

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