
If you were in africa, how would you want to die?

by Guest21508  |  earlier

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Here's a little poll.

1)Get eaten by a snake

2)Get eaten by a lion

3)Be sat on by an elephant

4)Be eaten by a canabalistic tribe

5)Get salmanela

6)Get some other wacky african desies

7)Die of thrist

8)Die of hunger

9)Die of both

10)Die of aids. (no I'm not making a joke about aids, this is a serious pole.)

So, how'd you wan't to die?

I'd want to get sat on a elephan X3




  1. Duh, I wood chose salomonela, at liest the dokter can give me a medisin and I wil stay alife..

  2. None of those!

    I think this is offensive to African people!

  3. This is hard lol. They are all bad deaths. hmm i guess i would choose getting sat on by an elephant too.

  4. If a snake could swallow me whole, that would probably be the quickest and my choice.

  5. I thought diseases were natural causes.

  6. wat the **** is this supposed to mean...people in africa dont just die cause of diseases u dipsh!t they die of natural causes like EVERYBODY ELSE.THIS **** isnt funny u people always try talkin about africa........u think ur ****** funny ur not dunny nobody ACTUALLY dies of that **** except SOMETIMES thirst,hunger n aids.

  7. Ethiopian Barbie, you must really be as stupid as a Barbie then! Are you sure you are from Africa girl?  Do you get educated or are you just acting dumb?

    Millions of people die from disease in Africa each year than from any other way! From TB, Hepatitis B, HIV/ AIDS, STD’s and STI’s etc etc.

    You really should start reading more my friend because you could not be more wrong and have just shown how dumb you are!

    Try using your family brain cell and read this link Miss Barbie and educate yourself. It is because of people like you that African governments have gone the way they have, you are so ignorant and incompetent!

    Sorry Rachey Vengence, for my outbreak but I am Zimbabwean and people like that Barbie need putting straight. Her lack of knowledge and vocabulary just shows her incompetence to answer your question! Back to the question I’d rather be eaten by a lion. At least that way I know I have tried to fight the strongest beast on earth! King of the Jungle!

  8. Old Age,heard Hippos stomp people to death more than Lions kill anyone,hmm  how about Suicide bomber at a Mugabe dinner party ,least you could do some good on the way out

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