
If you were in an interview with bill o'reilly............?

by  |  earlier

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how much would it take you not to get up and knock his teeth down his throat?

would it be when he's cutting you off every 2 minutes and not letting you answer anything then saying that you couldnt answer it?

or is it when he labels whatever he see's fit as un patriotic(when 100% of the people he labels as un patriotic are people that differ in opinion then himself?




  1. I wouldn't even sit down with that extrememly rude person.

  2. I could talk with him all day.

  3. The main tactic of the neocon is to run from or shout down any kind of differing viewpoint. They never approach from a place of simple logic. The main reason for this is due to the fact that their ideology cannot be reasonably defended, so they employ hubris instead of reason. This is why O'Reilly cuts mikes (well, that and the fact that that's why his viewers keep tuning in) and this is why I keep getting blocked by cowardly neocons on this site. They cannot defend the indefensible.  

  4.   It would be the first syllable out of his mouth..........."O.........................

  5. It wouldn't take anything. I'd go on the show just to knock Bill O'Reilly out. Picture this:

    Bill O'Reilly introduces me onto the stage.

    Everyone is clapping.

    I'm walking out from backstage towards Bill.

    I don't look at the audience, I don't wave, or anything.

    Bill O'Reilly is clapping with the audience.

    I get up to O'Reilly and punch him in the face, his rolling chair rolls all the way back to the other side of the stage.

    I walk away.

  6. I don't think you would get to knock his teeth out as Bill O'Reilly

    would sucker punch you first and their would he two hits

    he hit you and you hit the floor

    that is the O"Reilly factor

    where the spin stops here!

  7. with Obama's past, racist church, criminal associations, lies' & lies...\Bill should nock him out fairly easily

  8. I hope he makes Obama look like the the trash he is.

    Actually I don't think Obama is trash, but his supporters sure makes me feel that way.

  9. There must be some reason why he has the number one cable news show seven years running.  I would have no trouble talking to him.  He asks a question people( viewers ) want to hear the answer to and if the person answering gets off the subject or main point he tries to bring them back.  I think people who claim his ideology is indefensible feel uncomfortable about the defensibility of their position or ideology.  Otherwise they should welcome any challenge.

  10. The only way that could happen is if i were handcuffed and shackled to the chair. Save that he would be calling security on me like he did that guy who had a family member killed in the World Trade Center bombing.

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