
If you were in charge of the country, how would you structure welfare programs?

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What sort of limitations would you put on receipt of benefits? Would there be a time limit, or a requirement of birth control for people who have children while receiving welfare?

I think able-bodied recipients of welfare should do community service if possible. Some people are willing and able to work, but can't afford day care. I'd like to see a government-run daycare and job placement. If you have a job handed to you, and someone to take care of your kids, there is no excuse. I know it's not popular, but I think that if a woman has a child after going onto welfare, she is being irresponsible and should agree to depo shots as a condition of receiving further aid.




  1. welfare should not be given to anyone who has come here illegaly.  Or if there past is full of crime

  2. Look I understand people fall on hard times but this s.h.i.t is getting out of hand. We don't even give help to the people who actually worked most of their life!!! I am with you on the community service. Welfare and programs such as section 8 would have an expiration date for people who are able bodied. How the h**l is the govt going to pay your rent until the day you die, when you can pay your own if you just applied yourself? That is just enabling people to be lazy. The welfare department would have full access to the employment department. I think giving people warnings they are due for review so they can adjust their work schedule to keep their benefits is ridiculous, just do it without warning so you know the truth about their income. Women on welfare would have to be on birth control after signing up, if you can't afford to feed yourself why are you adding another mouth that you can't feed? People on welfare who are physically and mentally able should have to work at least 20 hrs a week. Non-citizen who have not worked here for at least 5yrs will not be eligible. No more ebt allowances, I am sick of going to the atm and seeing women getting cash from an EBT card. EBT should be for food purchases only!!! I don't think we should cut back on the programs or the funding but we need to scrutinize the people who are on these programs alot more.

    umm www.scrap I don't know what state you live in but they low income people get daycare vouchers, job training, free college education (if they are under 25) and tax credits where I live.

  3. Welfare is out of control and in the hands of people who too

    lazy to work or want something free. It need to be more strict

    and monitor better.

  4. I wouldn't change it a lot. I would remove their right to vote and move them into controlled facilities where they could be monitored for drugs and be given classes on how to get a job. They would also have to under go tubal ligation...(spay and neutering)

  5. I would have to change it in a major way. 1 st anyone that ends up losing their job from layoffs, would also get welfare assistance while looking for another job with a time limit of the same as unemployment. 2. After time limit some type of training to get a better job. 3. Deport illegals that use the system, unless they could get some type of amnesty to become legal. Thereby being able to get a better job and pay into the systems instead of being forced to use the system. 4. look into some sort of Day care assistance for low income families, tax credits. 5. Make the system much more efficient, so the aid was quick and getting people back to work  would be quick.    

  6. Get welfare out of the hands of corrupt politicians and put it into the hands of churches and charities. Find out the charities that give more percentage of the donations to the people. Some government programs give only 65% of the money to the people. Even the United way 79% has too much bureaucracy.  

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