
If you were in my situation ....?

by  |  earlier

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I've recently been getting closer with my friend Sean who has already confirmed and told me that he loves me .

So we've been busy the past 2 weeks and we talk over text messaging to keep in touch .

But everytime I joke about him calling me his girlfriend , he seems to drop the coversation .

Did I do something wrong ?

I know he's shy but why would he pretend like I didn't bring it up ?

Can someone give me an idea of what to do ?




  1. Let him give chase and be the one to bring up these types of topics.  Guys like to be the one to get the girl after trying hard.  For some reason, they really want to EARN your love.  When you just give it to them without them having to go through much thought or effort, they get turned off.  Play hard to get, just a little bit.

  2. Emotions can hurt, and run a person deep into the ground, Maybe the reason he drops the subject is cause he feels it will never happen, If you's both like or even love each other then why not give it a go, you never know you's could be long life partners and well if it doesnt turn out, just talk to each other about keeping the close friendship. I dont think you have done anything wrong, But cause you seem to have the upper hand he cant exactly tell you whats gonna happen, Eg. You's are going out, Or So on. All you need to do i believe, is talk to him about what he wants, If he loves you so much that he will care and be there for you through thick and thin, And if so then just ask all the other questions of your heart before going ahead with whatever you decide. :) Good luck i know it can be tricky, and hard to cope with...

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