
If you were in the market for an at-home (legitimate) massage, would it matter 2 u if the person was licensed?

by  |  earlier

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Thinking of starting a business.




  1. Do yourself a favor and make sure you and your business has all the licensing and certifications necessary to begin.  To the consumer, it may not matter all that much if you are handling yourself professionally.  And, you may be able to operate for quite some time without being challenged on the issue.  However, when the day comes - and it will - you could be in a world of hurt for a long period of time that affects your credibility, finances and livelihood.  Depending on the state you practice, you could be facing felony charges and fines of $10grand or more.  I heavily discourage trying to operate a massage business without the proper, legal credentialing.  In the short term, it may seem o.k., but the risk is far greater than any gain by operating this way.

  2. yes.  You could get into a LOT of trouble for practicing massage without a license.  I have known of two people and they were actually working on getting one at the time.

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