
If you were in this situation what would you do??

by  |  earlier

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well, em, I'm not in this situation but I know a guy who is, so, he's Muslim in a non-Muslim community and he's a godfather to a Christian guy's kids, so the Christian guy dies and leaves the kids in your name, so do you respect your friends beliefs and raise the kid christian, or raise him Muslim?




  1. i would prefer to give them knowlege about both the religions n than would let them to thier own choice what ever they choose will be their religion . n by the way christianity is that religion which is close to islam than any other religion in world.

  2. raise him Muslim for sure, in this way Allah (swt) will get pleased with me, actually i would feel with guilt if those kids raised Christians, i would never forgive myself.

  3. christian,he would hate you if he found out that his dad was christian and not muslim and think that ur trying to over take his dad by trying to be "better" than him..

    He would really respect you if you brought him to church and than when hes older ask him if he would like to be muslim.. but thats afetyr he gets over his dad 1st..

  4. I will tell them not to commit excess in their religion and then they will see the truth of Islam, inshaAllah.

    To Green Pearl:

    Don't you realize that your "Word of God" is mostly the "Words of Man"? Isaac wasn't the son chosen for the offering, you changed it. Here is how

    The bible is quite clear in designating the offering:

    "And He (God Almighty) said, take now thy son, THINE ONLY SON..., whom thou lovest, and let thee into the land of Moriah, and offer him there for a burnt offering..." Genesis 22:2

    If at anytime, an offspring of Abraham (pbuh) can be described as "thin only son", it could only be Ishmael because for more than thirteen years, he was the only son and seed of Abraham.

    God Almighty acknowledges Ishmael as the "son and seed" of Abraham in no less than twelve places in the Book of Genesis alone. At no time was Isaac the only son and seed of Abraham.

    The false pen of the scribe was in the hand of the Jews who edited the Books of Moses (pbuh) as the prophet Jeremiah bewails:

    "How do ye say, We are wise, and the law (the Torah) of the Lord is with us? Lo, certainly in VAIN made he it, the PEN OF THE SCRIBE IS IN VAIN." Jeremiah 8:8

    When the Jews are found to convert an Israelite into an Ishmaelite when no motives are involved, the how much easier for them to change the word "your only son Ishmael" to "your only son Isaac"?

    Confirm this:

    "Amasa was a man's son, whose name was Ithra an Israelite..." Samuel 17:25

    "... and the father of Amasa was Jether (same as Ithra) the Ishmaelite." Chronicles 2:1

  5. I will definitely try to raise them up as Muslims by talking to them bout Islam, and in the end it will be their choice between Islam and Christianity..

  6. forcing someone to become a muslim is not right. The children have a choice although he should educate them about islam

  7. Do I know you? ^o)

    anyways..its up to them what they want to be either a Muslim or Christian, I wont force them to change..

    Just raise them up and take good care of them..

    and full fill the responsibilities as a God Father ..

  8. This is an excellent question and one of the most interesting I've seen posted in quite a while. I would make sure that my will stated that he was not to teach my child anything about Islam unless my child asked him why he didn't pray the same way or go to church and then his only answer would be that he practices a different religion.  I would make sure ahead of time that the godfather knew my desires and did not try to influence my child. I wouldn't mind him telling my child about Islam as long as he never told him it was the true religion. I would make sure he agreed that if my child had questions about christianity that he would find a minister that could answer these questions for him.  In the end though if my child chose Islam there would be nothing I could do about it.  I could only hope I had chosen the right person to care for my child and that he was the kind of friend I could trust to follow my wishes.  If the tables were turned and you chose a Christian as a godparent would you want them trying to teach them a religion different than Islam.  I would respect the wishes of the parent if I was the godparent and would raise the child as a Muslim even though that goes against my own religious beliefs.

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