
If you were in your 20's, and a 50 yr. old guy tried to kiss you, would let him?

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If you were in your 20's, and a 50 yr. old guy tried to kiss you, would let him?




  1. No thanks.

  2. If I'm not attached and he's good looking, uh Yeah!!  Older men are usually great kissers!!

  3. No I would not!

  4. First, who the h**l is SEAN O CONNERY?, to answer your ?

    kiss anyone you want.  

  5. h**l no.  I'm in my late 30's and I wouldn't let a creepy old raisin slap his lips on me unless it was a platonic elderly relative.

  6. No I am not attracted to older men at all!  

  7. That depends does this old man look like George Clooney or more of a Sean O'Connery?   Why not if I was physically attracted to him?  But if this was some random guy then no.

  8. Depends on the situation. Do you like him? Have you been dating, does he think you like him or did he just try to kiss you out of the blue?  

  9. If I was in my twenties and single and he had tons of money, and he looked really good, really, really good, then I would let him do more to me than kiss me!

    Let the good times roll!!! :-)

  10. Eeeewwww. No.  I don't kiss guys who are old enough to be my dad.

  11. Depends.  How's his breath?

  12. im 38 and really am not interested in a 50 yr old kissing me....but thats just preference

  13. Nope i sure wouldn't.

  14. many young girls are attracted to older men, if you have feelings to him, why not.

  15. I would never let a 50 year old man kiss me....EVER!

  16. Probably not. It depends on if I was into him. Some 50 year old men look good for their age.

  17. Sorry, I would not kiss a guy at all.. 50 year old woman.. hmm.. yea if she was attractive and I was not married..

  18. depends on if you like him.  depends on why would you want to kis a 50 year old.  depends on if he is married, single.  

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