
If you were incarcerated and had a chance to work on a supervised work detail, like a chain gang, would you ?

by  |  earlier

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Assume you would be wearing a jail or prison issue uniform clearly broadcasting your status, and working in a public venue. Would the chance to escape the boredom of the cell and work in the fresh air override the sense of public embarrassment, especially if you are seen by people you know?




  1. YES.  I spent some time in jail and it's best to jump on any opportunity you have to get out for a while.  Granted I wouldn't want to see anyone I knew while I was there, but the change of pace would be worth it.

  2. Yeah would do it assuming it wasn't a chain gang as such - no way would I go working in public chained up like a slave for nobody.

    If it was just supervised I would even having to wear prison uniform. I've been there twice and just getting out into the fresh air and away from your cell would be good enough - makes the time go quicker. I had to **** work in the prison before but would much preferred to be outside.

    Sure it would be embarassing if people I knew saw me but it would be definitely worth it i think.

  3. My friend is going to be doing that soon.  And he couldn't be happier.  He's been couped up in that prison for months now and just wants to be outside.  He didn't mention anything about embarrassment though.  I'm not even sure he'd care...h**l, from the stories he's told me, I do the road work in those pink bra and panties the warden in Texas makes everyone where just to get outside.

    I also think he would love to see people he knew...he's in prison in Idaho...all his friends are in different states.

    See....this is why it is not cool to have a girlfriend under the age of consent....I think he understands that now.

  4. i would go out in the fresh air out of my cell every chance i got, no matter who was watching

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