
If you were invited to spend an evening with Rex and Nicole all expense payed?

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Would you sit in their company for a whole evening for free food and wine?

Personally I`d rather starve.




  1. What, and listen to them telling me how much they were spending on me, whilst awaiting my undying gratitude to them for being allowed in their presence? Not bloomin likely! LOL

  2. Yes, just so I can tell the excatly wat I think of them.

  3. No i would rather not b in their company!

  4. He needs to learn that not everyone can be bought

  5. Only if I could 'do' Nicole in front of Rex ........

    (sorry but had to be said)

  6. OMG!! NOOOO i'd hate to spend the evening with them i can't stand nicole  

  7. I'd rather eat Mkley's

  8. Nope, my dental appointment would definitely clash with that!

  9. you know, i would ,they'd be a l ot nicer out of the house

  10. They would have to pay me a lot and if I am PAID a lot I would go  

  11. No I would rather go to Mcdonalds than dine with them.

  12. Of course. I like Rex, and i'm sure Nicole is more relaxed in the outside world.

  13. All exopenses paid to slag them for an evening? I would jump at the chance.

  14. I cant think of anything that would be worse


  15. I would rather stay at home than spend a minute with either of those two. They are both arrogant, insulting and selfish people.

  16. Yep I'd be up for that and in the middle of the meal I'd say " Now tell me truthfully Rex....Is it all true about you and the American Stripper" and sit back and wait for the fireworks !

  17. i would, but i'd probably take a Taser of some description.

    free food, free wine, once they've paid become a national hero by putting them down for 5 minutes.

  18. If they were paying for it, yeah. Then order all the expensive things, like 10 bottles of champagne £200 pounds each. Then I would take one bite/sip out of everything and say I was full.

  19. Ha same here would rather starve than sit in the company of two of the most arrogant ppl ever !!

  20. LOL with nicole lording over me....treating me like a bothersome peasant thats helping spread the plague across england!....ive said it before, she is competely that nasty cheap looking gold digging sl*pper believes she is above anyone or anything is a complete mystery to me....yep, i'd rather starve with you!

  21. Nicole is so selfish and like Mikey said, 'Stuck up her own ****'

    I think they were totally out of order, the way they were treating Mikey with the Thriller task, they didn't help him with his disability.

    Gr they make me mad :P  

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