
If you were invited to your ex's wedding, would you go?

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My ex boyfriend is getting married next friday. I'm so happy for him. He sent me an invitation and I responded. I told my boyfriend about it and he said it would be awkward for him to go to one of his ex's wedding. He also said that he's shocked I'm even considering to go. However, my ex and I dated almost 9 years ago. We only dated for 6 months. At the time he was 21 and I was 17. Since we've broken up we've been great friends. Five years ago he went with my family and I to Las Vegas. Oh btw, my ex has worked for my step father for the past 10 years.




  1. May be not.

  2. I would say it all depends.. but he .. your ex boyfriend should ask his bride if she's ok with that.. that's important.. if she is ok with it.. and he and you are both fine with it then go but make sure to tell him to ask his future wife what she thinks about it all that is important as he will be marrying her.. and if she has no problems with it.. and you are genuinely happy for them then I see no reason not to go.. but the invitation should come from both of them not just him.. then go if both invite you xx

  3. If your current boyfriend would feel uncomfortable going with you then I agree you shouldn't go since he would be your appropriate date (or "escort" in old-fashioned terms)

    unless you had another close girlfriend that was invited as well (or another family member) that you could go "stag" with

    and you didn't mention knowing your ex's fiance well (if at all) so it could be awkward all-around

    make sure you send a nice gift along though


  4. I wouldn't go.  It just seems like the last thing that should be on a person's mind on their wedding day is past relationships.  Even if it did end amicably, it seems inappropriate to attend the wedding. I wouldn't go to an ex's wedding and I wouldn't invite an ex to mine.

  5. he sounds like an old friend now, so refer to him as such and not your ex and maybe your current  boyfriend wouldn't mind going so much.  I think you should go to your old friends wedding.

  6. If you want to go, go. Since you are on good terms, I'd go. It may be uncomfortable for your bf and his wife, but they need to understand there's nothing b/w you but friendship. Let your bf know how you feel about him and only him. Good Luck.

  7. no i would not go

  8. if you are good friends, I think you should go to maintain that friendship

    but more importantly, consider you boyfriend's opinions too because your relationship is more important than the friendship

  9. I think that if you've maintained a friendship over the past 9 years, then by all means, you're a friend and that's why you got invited -- not because you're an ex-girlfriend.

  10. Go if you want to.  Obviously the woman that he is going to marry doesn't have a problem with you attending.  If she did you wouldn't have been sent an invitation.

  11. I would call him to confirm that the bride knows you will be attending. I'm assuming she does since typically couples do guests list together, but it's best to double check.

    If she's fine with it, go if you want.

    I wouldn't go to any of mine because I don't have a friendship with any of them. If I did maintain a good friendship and I was invited, yes, I would (assuming all parties would be okay with me attending).

  12. I would go (especially if I was in your shoes) because you two didn't have a bad breakup, let alone a long relationship and he's close to your family. If it is a weird situation for your boyfriend, then just explain to him how you two remained friends and that there's no hidden feelings or grudges between you two. If you can take a guest with you, why not take your boyfriend? If he's still acting weird this will give a chance to be with you at the wedding- and be together. Talk to him about your trust issues, too, maybe he's insecure about something and you guys need to talk about it if there's gonna be more issues like this too. It's part of building a relationship :)

  13. I can't imagine that he sent you an invitation without his fiancee knowing, so I don't see why you should even call him and ask.  You got the invitation, therefore it's okay for you to go to the wedding.

    If your invitation included your boyfriend, then by all means ask him to come with you.  If your invitation did NOT say "and guest" or "and <boyfriend's name>", then he isn't invited and you shouldn't take him.  Your boyfriend already knows this other guy is a family friend and works for the family.  If he's jealous of this other guy, then the fact that the guy is getting married should be a relief and not cause for more jealousy.

    Go have a great time.

  14. I wouldn't go to the wedding - think about your ex's new wife do you think she would want you there.

  15. If you want to go, I think you should. 9 years is a long time, it's not likely you would still have feelings for each other.

  16. It's not appropriate for you to attend an ex's wedding. Even if the ex doesn't mind, the bride will. Personally, I won't enjoy it.

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