
If you were looking to buy a canoe?

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how much more would you be willing to pay to have your canoe built exatly the way you want it??




  1. to have it like custom built?

    i have no idea how much canoes cost, but one built exactly the way you want it would probably cost a lot more than just one you buy from the shop

    ask around at a couple of different places for quotes

    and pick the cheapest

    thats all you can do

  2. Well, I recnetly purhased an old town penobscot for notably under a grand.     I'm not in the market, but if I was, I'd certainly consider a bit over a grand for the right stripper.   They are not only beautiful, but built right are light, functional and durable.    I've owned many canoes, and love the characteristics of the Penobscot, so I'd go with something similar to that.  Maybe a touch wider and a touch more stable empty, but I wouldn't want it to turn into the beast that tripper is.  I might sacrafice a touch of speed an go a little shorter than the typical 17-foot to help keep the weight down.

    Best of luck with selling those.  I know they are a lot of work, but hopefully there will be people who appreciate, the custom craftmanship and beauty.

  3. Surf the web to see what the market is for canoes.  What would make yours any better than some company that has years of experience in making canoes?  What people are willing to pay depends on how big the need is and what would make  them get from you something that they can buy at most canoe shops.

  4. if its costum bilt the way i wanted it i would be willing to pay


  5. I'd be willing to pay over a $1,000 for the right one. Materials are expensive and so is good craftsmanship!

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