
If you were lose in the woods and olny had two tools to use how would you use them?

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knife and string

Please no dirty answers.




  1. I would tie the knife to a sturdy stick and make a spear which i would use to hunt, and as a walking stick.

    then i would untie it every now and then to check the time using the knife as a sun dial and the string as a reminder of the time. (old boy scout trick)

    Also while i slept i would tie the string to a tree limb while it was stiull attached to the tree. Bend it down and use it as a snare.

    I would awake and eat my food and use the sun as a compass, and find my way home....

    ...........ya id survive.....

  2. Knowing that the sun rises in the East and sets in the West. I would stick the knife in the ground, and use the string to mark the direction of travel of the sun, and then look ahead, pick out a tree, get to it on foot, and do the same thing over again, and again, until I got out of the woods, like a makeshift compass.

    I dunno...Maybe even stab some animals along the way for food. I always carry a knife, smokes, and a lighter, so if I should get lost...I might do okay.

    If it was dark, I'd be screwed, so only travel during the daylight hours. ;)

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