
If you were making about $140,000 a year...?

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Would you choose to pay for a college that costs more than $40,000 a year?




  1. Well college can be expensive.  140k is really not that much if you are maintaining hearth and home for a family and myself.  If I had the capital and it was for my child definitely.  If I had other expenses that hindered me from paying for it I'd help as much as I could.  But this all is contingent upon the child.  If the child is a screwball and not mature enough to behave responsibly with my investment I'd have to reconsider footing the bill for such an expensive school.

    I'd try and talk the kid into a community college until they mature.  

  2. Yes, absolutely.  Taking a college loan will get you into depth of unfathomable proportion real soon.  Why go for it if you don't have to?/

  3. No, I wouldn't unless you can pay it in full with cash.  If you can afford it pay it with your income, without getting a student loan, I would go, but if you can't afford it, consider a cheaper college.  

  4. Yes, unless you have many expensive bills to pay for  go get your education! U go gurl!! Good job!

  5. Why would you need college if you're making 140K already?

  6. If I could afford it, and it was the best choice for what I wantee to study, yes.

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