
If you were managing a major leauge team...?

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Would rather have a composed player that rarely shows emotion (Joe Mauer) or a player that has a temper, but in a competitive way?




  1. a player with temper (like carlos zambrano) with a player like joe maur to help him

  2. I would want whichever one is the better ballplayer.

  3. I would rather have a guy who get's excited, and occasionally gets in arguments with umpires than a guy like Mauer who sits on his hands all night.

  4. if we were doing well, i would want a composed player, but if we were terrible, i would want one with a temper, to try to light a fire under their butts

  5. it depends on the manager

    like for instance derek jeter will allways have the temper of joe torre which is no temper and very passive

    and torre was able to get to jeter by just talking to him

    now with a manager like joe giradi he wears his emotions  on his sleeve and to a non-passive player when you see you manager reacting that way he might play harder

  6. i would like a little bit of both one guy like a paul O'niel who fires the team up

  7. Definitely one that can keep himself in check.  It takes a lot of effort to continue to play on emotion and when it dries up and you question him, the emotion comes out negative.

    BJ Upton (Emotion) vs Grady Sizemore (cool).

  8. a  player with  temper,its good to see the competitive fire within,it helps motivate your teammates and it brings an edge and attitude to your dont wanna be looked at as a whimp..

  9. Id want excitement and temper.  

  10. Like Carlos Zambrano (the latter).

    I think it depends on the talent and the position.  

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