
If you were not alive, what would you be doing right now

by  |  earlier

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I don't understand, what are people that are not alive doing right now?

When I die, what will I be doing?

When you die, what will you be doing?

What will we all be doing after we die?

We have to be somewhere else, after we die, so where we will be?




  1. When you die, you go to the same place and purpose all living things do when they die - you go the ground (unless cremated) and return your nutrients to the earth for future generations.

    This is the only life you get. Live it to its fullest.

  2. thats a question no one can answer. All u have to do is wait and find out.

  3. Not existing?  

  4. Nothing I would be dead, when your car dies what does it do?  NOTHING because it is dead, same thing with people.

  5. thats a freaking good question!

    i would like to say heaven, but if im wrong about that then i wonder what will happen to me...

    i cant really imagine just not existing anymore...

  6. Decomposing

  7. First ask 'Who is asking the question'.

    The body dies, the ego dies. Whatever does not always just IS.  

  8. I would be traveling the astral planes.

  9. Joining the rest of the undetectable energy that makes up life. Every living thing becomes one.

    Or hanging out with Jesus or the Aliens.  

  10. I think I will be playing jokes on my friends and family who are still here. ;-)

  11. Mouldering.

  12. idk. in heaven i hope.

  13. no matter what happens I shall be lying back chillen someone be it the ground or somewhere else

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