
If you were on a deserted island, at night, with a billion stars overhead. How would that make you feel?

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If you were on a deserted island, at night, with a billion stars overhead. How would that make you feel?




  1. Well you can only see about 3000 stars on a perfectly clear completely dark night. Sorry-- you need to UPGRADE to binoculars or a telescope to see more--

  2. Same as I have at home only, if I get those other necessities namely, food, clothing, bedding and no animals, mosquitos, insects, bacterias and viruses around, then I would enjoy the starry sky with great sleep of my life! Cos, I find no way to enjoy and share my feeling (with no one around) on anything ASTRONOMICALLY in an island of isolation!

  3. THRILLED!!!.... to finally be somewhere that seeing the whole sky, full of it's wonder, is POSSIBLE...... only thing is, I'd be wishing for a 'scope..................

  4. in maui its like that and it is wonderful

  5. Can I have my telescope with me?  In that case, I'd be happy.  Just for the record, there are about 50 billion stars overhead right now, day or night, deserted island or Manhattan Island....the other 50 billion are underfoot, making the 100 billion total in the galaxy.  If we were on a deserted island, there would be about 2,000 stars visible overhead  :o(  I know, sorry to throw cold water.  Oh dude!  Lucky I brought my 'board too.

  6. I live in Barbados so i see that every night unless its cloudy

  7. Stranded....wondering how I am going to get a cold beer...I dunno pretty scared...

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