
If you were on death row what would your last meal be?

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mine would be lobster




  1. Steak and eggs with a side of hash browns and some salsa---with a cup of good , strong coffee.

  2. I read an article recently on what professional cooks would like to have as their last meal.  Surprisingly, most did not want some expensive meal with fancy sauces.  They preferred comfort food--that is, food that made them feel good when they were children such as fried chicken, etc.

    I also would prefer comfort food like a hot dog and a hamburger.  Since I am an adult now, I would like to down them down with beer.

  3. Something very greasy or oily so that I could slip through the bars and escape!

    - sorry couldn't resist.

  4. mine would be fresh crab dressed in cream & brandy...& champagne to wash it all down.

  5. lobster is over rated :D

    Its your last meal and they cant refuse it...

    A nice juicy 12oz NY Strip with a Shrimp cocktail. Baked Potato, butter sour cream, fresh steamed Green Beens.


  6. long as it's healthy.   Dr. Harvey Glimebinder

  7. Sadly it would be meatloaf made by my mom. Gotta love it lol

  8. Nothing - I wouldn't be able to eat.  Unless the reprieve came - then it would be roast chicken and roast potatoes!

  9. a rare steak,baked potatoe,corn on the cob,mac&cheese with garlic bread,  but the important thing is where will you be spending eternity?

  10. An everlasting one consisting of everything i like so that the execution never arrives.

  11. My last meal would be a baked potatoe , meduim rare steak Shrimp made by my dad  a shirley temple and a banana split  yum

  12. really good ceaser salad (starter) then fish and potato pancakes.

  13. Stuffed Camel - Yes it's real and I'd pick it because the preperation time would be really long....

  14. neck of lamb stew best food in the world,followed by sherry trifle

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