
If you were on the Titanic what would you do different?

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The movie and in real life?




  1. If I was on the Titanic & survived & someone asked me this question;  I would have corrected his grammar & told him (assuming the reporter was a male) that he should have used the word "DIFFERENTLY" vs "different" as the verb DO needs an adverb not an adjective to describe it.

    Also, to have the correct tense since it was after the tragedy, the sentence should be worded as follows:

    If you were on the Titanic what would you have done differently?  If the questioner was a reporter he should use proper grammar.

  2. I'd push the that Bruce Ismay the guy who was sitting in a lifeboat which was meant for women and children first.........I would have pushed his *** in the water.  That's in the movie anyways.  In real life if I had the knowledge ahead of time that the boat was gonna sink I would try to warn as many ppl as possible.  Ok they would probally think I was a loony or something but I would still try.

  3. Unless a person has the knowledge people back then didn't have it's unlikely anyone would do anything differently.  The Captain is often criticized for going too fast but the real cause of the sinking was the inferior metal used to make the ship, something the Capt. was unaware of.  As far as anyone on the ship knew at that time it could easily break through icebergs, of course we know differently now.  As the saying goes "hindsight is 20/20", which is as true in this case as any.

  4. In real life i would've been on that deck and i would've spotted that iceberg

    in the movie i would've kiked that Bruce what's he's face off the fricking lifeboat in made him die

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