
If you were on the yellow brick road, visiting the wizard of oz, what would you wish for?

by  |  earlier

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or something else




  1. Just some Sun shine.

  2. a decent pair of red shoes!!

  3. At the  moment - an internal mother - I don't seem to have the capacity to nurture myself or set kind boundaries.

    I need to find out what kind of mothering I would have liked and give it to myself.

    The wizard would certainly be helpful.

  4. A gastric band!!

  5. the impossible...peace on earth

  6. a date with Scarlett Johanson.

  7. Heart.

  8. I'd wish that bush was never in office!

  9. Somone to think of their own questions and stop watching Loose Women - only kidding.  I love Loose Women.  I'd ask for the ability to fly.  Do you think he'd give me that one??

  10. if i was on the yellow brick road,the brains to listen,and to mend my broken heart, and give me the strength,and courage,to find a home and live happy ever after,or just put me out my misery.peAce.

  11. i would wish for a real wizard to grant my wish

  12. I would wish for good health for my family

  13. a mega huge Wang who wouldn't

  14. Dodge Concept Viper

  15. home health and happiness oh a bit of money wouldnt go a miss

  16. I want to be with you when that time happen.

  17. To have peace of mind and be guided the right way.

  18. Health

  19. courage  after the loss of my big brother and to just have 5 more minuets with him

  20. a pair of dancing street monkeys and a pet squirrel.

  21. Courage.

  22. A pair of wings to fly with but skip the tail and the monkey suit hat.

  23. courage.  to pursue my passion as my career.

  24. Its gonna sound greedy but I'd wish for a lifetime of wishes....

  25. id wish 2 be able 2 be the best that i can be be! there no point asking for money or a big house because things like that just make people greedy in life!

  26. To have my Dad back again.

  27. I would wish for courage :-)

  28. death? lol

  29. A Big Kebab !!!!!!!!!!!

    Ummm Tastey.

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