
If you were one of the wise men, what would YOU have given Jesus?

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Stuff like the Calp-on Calp Off lites

Playstation 2

Singing Bass

other stuff like that, and include a short why.




  1. massage oil  

  2. The book, 'God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins.

  3. A book on philosophy of science so he could make some credible claims.

    Jesus is a myth, and the Greek never mentions any "wise men". The word is Magi -meaning Persian astrologers and priests - because the story is taken from Mithraism..

  4. My Heart.

  5. I would have given him a high-five.

    Then played peek-a-boo.

  6. a condom

  7. Nope. I woulda shot him. BANG!

  8. a cute little onesie that says "I'm Mommy's Favorite" because that's what I usually give at baby showers as long as I can find one

  9. A good calendar that would cover the next 3,000 years, so that silly git wouldn't end up lying to people in 33 AD, telling them that some of them will not yet have tasted death before her comes back...

    Because he's, by his supposed words, very, *very*, VERY late...  

  10. A lighter.

    Poncho 4:15 Revelations "And wo the Lord Called forth fire from the iron, and set ablaze the Romans furry hats"

    Think on it.. :)

  11. Bearskin rug

  12. I would have brought his real father.

  13. A Ten Speed Bicycle.  I mean, he could have used it when he got older.  He was walking all over the place.  A bike would have been something he actually could have used.

  14. If you mean something that existed at that time... a book of quotes by the greatest philosophers at the time.

  15. A pearl necklace.

  16. a knuckle sandwich

  17. A birth certificate.  There's a distinctly shocking lack of evidence to prove that Jesus was anything more than another character in a book.

  18. a trip into the futuer so he could see just how twisted his teachings have become....

  19. A social worker.

  20. Advice on finding better educated disciples.

  21. i would give him a knife in his face XD

  22. a room.

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