
If you were or are a social worker what other professionals will you be working with ?

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  1. it depends on what are of social work you are in but most work with drs, nurses, police, housing depts, carers, teachers, etc  

  2. Psychiatrists,  they work as a team

  3. Gp's, Doctors, nurses, mental health teams and district nurses. Can not think of any others.

  4. You name them and i'm sure they contact them, it's just a shame they do not believe people who are concerned about a abused kid, either that or it was a very good act, anyway you phone them up in good faith report your concerns, they question you on the phone several times, the original social worker phones you to say she has been pulled off the case without good reason, the new social worker asks you to go to a meeting with her and the abuser and her child, you are truly ill with the flu so cannot go the meeting, you phone to let her know but she is not available so you leave a message with someone in her office, she rings you cursing calling you a liar because you never turned up to the meeting and the mother guess what, yep she got away with beating up her son real bad, night after night.

    So sorry even positive thinking would never again persuade me to phone social services, it's a true shame people like them are so stupid in not taking me and my mums word, still opens your eyes to the way they think and work, i would never try to help with any suspicions again, no way thank you.

  5. Nurses, Midwives, Doctors, Psychiatrists, counsellors, Police, Womans aid shelters, drug rehab specialists, the courts, Probation officers, Prison officers.

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