
If you were would you have handled 9/11?

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If you were would you have handled 9/11?




  1. Immediately find out who was responsible and put the full force of the military into find that PERSON.  Not the country they were in, or another country that you kinda wanted to attack anyway.

  2. I would have rounded up all Americans and lobbied every government in the world to crack down, and not just give a speech inviting countries on a hunt, that's just a publicity stunt to make people think you're trying. I mean lobbying hard to get every nation on your side to do something about terrorism.

    I would have sent forces to Afghanistan to dismantle the al Qaueda, however I would not have immediately established a program to rebuild the nation- that required better planning and more accurate projections.

    I would definitely have toughened up on our homeland security IN THE HOMELAND. Immediately blaming some regime out of who knows how many on an attack is only going to tick off more terrorists and move the battle field from my country to that of one that had nothing to do with it.

    In fact, I would have never reorganized our security system into the department of homeland security because that created bureaucratic predicaments for its unified components. Instead, I would have toughened up the NSA and CIA, and maybe brought the FBI in as well.

    I also would have drastically attempted to reduce the nation's dependance on foreign oil, and I probably wouldn't have gone from being the Israeli to Palestian/Lebanese/Syrian/Iranian/Egypti... mediator to the hey let's alienate all of the radical muslim governments by actually siding with the middle east's most hated nation (tied with us).

    But like Bill said, we need to be making less enemies and more friends, and I don't think that's what we've been doing.

  3. my opinion war should be short and very deadly. I would have carpet bombed Iran , Iraq, Pakistan and any were else till someone turned Bin laten in. I would sieze the oil to pay for the war then claim it as world oil for the good of the world.

    Meaning that oil would be free after expenses for the whole world to use.

  4. I would have made sure that they bombed those people back! Revenge is sweet!

  5. Take immediate action, find out who's responsible and track them down rather than wasting years and lives doing NOTHING! Track down who did it and take action!

  6. well I would have excused myself immediately from the kindergarten class I was visiting...placed call to central command, ascertain if we had jets not responding to radio address, and shoot down any jets that had been hijacked....I would have then flown over to Saudi Arabia and have a little talk with those snakes for starters...Taliban would have gone bye-bye...and I would have cought Osama in the mountains surrounding Tora Bora....

  7. nuke them all, f*****k um, except Israel.

  8. The middle east would be a glass parking lot

  9. Like everyone else.

    Living in misery with " Fear is the key"

    With little children ghostly stories that look so real.

    Without being aware of getting themselves kick on the butts by artificial  intelligence of Mr. Big Brother hiding behind the closet in playing computer games.

    The reality and horrors that became a nightmares in time.

    Getting kick on the butts by artificial intelligence in time.

    Without being aware of it.

    The misery was only expose after the Asian Tsunami.

    With little children screaming and running out of schools with faulty communication system.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  10. Fast, hard and come out clean and smiling! Obama would want to give a speech or something. Wake up America!

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