
If you were president, what would you CHANGE?

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I would change the national anthem, the current one sucks. Something modern would be more appropriate for today.

What would you do as president?




  1. Stop welfare.

  2. I would change our social services....(code word for hand outs to the lazy baby makers) first,,,,affirmative action, all of it, stop the blood suckers from living off the rest of us.  We wouldn't have illegals here if it wasn't such a great free ride.

  3. The tax cuts to the top 2%.

  4. Step one: drill into Alaska for oil.

    Step two: line up all the illegals and make a new trail of tears to the old country. (given the first time we did that it was very very wrong)

    Step three: increase taxes on exported goods so the value of the dollar would increase just a bit.

    Step four: Step down from office... Have you seen how aged presidents look after a few years in office? No way thats hqppening to me man... no way

  5. Make a law that would ban all gang bangers from living in this country...

    no motor vehicles on any road 3 working days a week

    no business open on Sunday..

    free parking on the lake front(Chicago)

    all museums free admission,like the old days.

    no thumbs down on yahoo answers

  6. I would raise import duties for all goods exported from the Opec nations. I will impose Sanctions on them for monopolization of Oil

  7. no more welfare, Medicaid, free housing, and food stamps, unless you have gone and found employment. The government is here to give you a helping hand not a hand out to teach your children how to be lazy

  8. Would close all foreign military bases, cut the military budget by at least 400 billion dollars (it is that bloated), expel all illegal inmigrants, start a massive program of modernizaton and expansion of the railroad network, promote the use of electric cars, increase federal funding for scientific research at all levels, BAN Hedge Funds and return to the gold standard.

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