
If you were president for a day...?

by  |  earlier

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what would you do about the whole war situation?? take troops out, send more, nuke them?? this is just a "discussion" question to see what people would do. im not taking sides on the war and what not....just a question.




  1. I'd abolish the Federal Reserve and make it illegal for the US government to borrow money.  That way you actually fix the reason we go to war.


    Karen, there's no such thing as free healthcare.  Classic socialist fallacy.

  2. Lock up all the America hating liberals. Bring common sense and decency back to politics.

  3. I would hold the Congressman/Congresswoman in a room until the wrote a bill that introduced the FLAT TAX

    Then I would sign it, and all of my fellow Americans with any sort of intelligence would be grateful, and start saving their money.

  4. "if you were president for a day...? "

    I'd make the pilot of airforce one let me take the wheel for a few minutes.

  5. I would show the terrorist and the world that we are in fact capable of destroying any terrorist threat necessary when we have people in power with the guts to do it.

  6. I like the flat tax idea, I would also fix social security...make the goverment pay back all the money borrowed or diverted from the fund...and address todays generations future needs... not right to make them pay into something that they may never be able to have the use of .....I would also insist that half of all profits derived from oil...coal ....ect that come from public lands go back into the general fund to pay for education ect....or you know ... I could just fly around in airforce one and try to pick up women....peace

  7. I would send all our troops home to the United States.  I would also make a Social Medicine System where it is free and you pay nothing for doctor's visits, hospitals, or prescriptions.

  8. I would definitely turn up the heat on the War on terror around the World and ask a more right leaning Europe to join the parade. I would also have Pelosi, Reid and and host of other far left wing liberals in the Congress to resign or be impeached.

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