
If you were put in charge of reducing the USA's roll in global warming, what things would you do?

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If you were put in charge of reducing the USA's roll in global warming, what things would you do?




  1. Let the market deal with it.  Government mandates always create more problems than they solve, and they also strip citizens of their personal freedom.

  2. Both the amount of  warming and the degree to which human activity is responsible has been grossly over exaggerated.

    We have now had 10 years of cooler or stable temperatures despite the fact that carbon dioxide continues to increase.

    So firstly I would challenge the hysterical propaganda of the Al Gore variety.

    For the health of the environment we need to use our resources carefully and clean up after ourselves, but the most important thing is to raise awareness that it is the exponential increase in the human population that is the main danger today.

  3. I would encourage the scientists to look into alternative supressed inventions, and make it known that we lied to the people for hundreds of years over what and what isn't possible, but we now tell truth and don't give a d**n about oil fields and getting rich anymore. Help each other recognise that one country is never going to solve the problems of the world alone, and to just get on with one another and stop trying to blow one another out the water.

    I believe that it is a cycle anyway, and global warming is just another way of taxing the population, but i would not be ignorant and ignore that there is a problem .

  4. Make safe hydrogen cars that way all they produce is water from water, makes sense to me and there is no infrastructure needed ie petrol stations etc as hydrogen is made from water.

  5. Nada, zippo, zilch!!!

    1. Global warming is only partially man-made.

    2. The effects of global warming are grossly over exaggerated for media and political gain.

    3. Any fossil fuel the U.S. does not burn another nation will.

    We do need to stop our use of most fossil fuels, but that is to save us from the escalating cost of oil, the future non-availability and the national security issues it will cause.

  6. Global warming is bullshit,its a natural earth cycle.Do what the scientists are afraid to rock the boat they have all jumped on the band waggon.The information is there you just have to look,

  7. I would first make solar powered and hybrid much more accessible.

    I would also try to replace the factories with much more environment friendly ones. I know it would cost money but we can just use the money that's being used in the Iraq war and bring teh soilders back.

    Also, I live in Canada and we have a 3 bag limit rule here. We are not allowed to put more than 3 bags out on teh curb for pickup. We could use that rule in the U.S...if its not there not sure.

    There's lots of things we could all do for the environment like shutting off your computer, lights and recycling!!

  8. Nothing, because global warming caused by humans is bollocks.

  9. I would increase the amount of things we recycle, increase the number of solar and wind power, increase the number of recycled products, eliminate plastic bags, advertise the effects of global warming in the media, plant more trees, prevent deforestation, protect forests and wildlife, stop the sell of incandescent light bulbs, have a carbon tax, increase the amount of hybrid cars, and so much more that can't think of now.

  10. Nothing because global warming is not caused by man.

  11. I just put Al Gore in charge after that e does the work

  12. make americans shut up for a while!

  13. Bomb China.

  14. I would firstly use vegetable as a "temporary" fuel since if we continue to use veggie oil it will run out too. Then i will get fuel from other planets

    hehehe my short answer

  15. Stop deforestation ,put limits on population growth,and remove the internal combustion engine from the scene as well as coal produced electricity,

    prohibit War

    use the defense budget on sustainable development

    And put the death penalty on pollution.

    would be a nice start

  16. Transport all the HOT girls to another planet

  17. I would make sure that everyone understood that there is a lot to gain from becoming less dependent on fossil fuel. Everyone who made measures to reduce their carbon footprint would gain economically from it compared to using "old fassioned" fossil fuel technologies. I would stipulate clear and long term rules that all businesses could easily follow, making the message clear: Fossil fuel, will become less economic for everyone in the coming years compared to sustainable alternatives. That way, new investments would be made in renewable alternatives and develoment and inventions would flourish.

  18. Oh boy, this is going to be long, here goes....

    1. Completely phase-out fossil fuels and power the nation on 100% renewable energy. Solar/Wind/Hydro/Geo-thermal

    2. Inact Lighting Law that requires all light bulbs be recycled/ phased-out and be replaced by compact fluorescent bulbs.

    3. Phase out all fossil fuel vehicles( besides US military aircraft; that comes later) and implement immediate change to all-electric vehicles.

    4. Drive technological advancements to make a hydrogen economy(including hydrogen vehicles) feasible and less expensive for a near future.

    5. Reduce deforestation to a level that the earth can adequetly replenish lost trees(sustainability) and pass reforestation laws & forest plantation laws.

    6. Recycling cans become norm right along side trash can, everyone has a large recycle and a smaller trash can.

    7. All households across America gain access to affordable solar panels.

    8. All businesses buildings create 45% of there own renewable energy; reducing dependence on national power-grid.

    9. Recycle all remaining CRT computer monitors and use LCDs instead.

    10. Put up incentives to live more green.

    11. Immediately drive for nuclear fusion technology as powerful new energy source

    12. Put 5% of the national GDP directly towards funding research for cleaner more efficient technologies.

    13. Eliminate all corporations and create new "green corporations" that put ecology & sustainability above profit.

    Gotta go crash, I'll try adding more later.....zzzzzzzzz

  19. Make a law that ur only allowed to use fluorescent light bulbs, make only hybrid cars and limit amount of deforestation

  20. I would reduce the rest of the world's population, even though I know global warming is a natural part of our globe.

  21. I would realize that the USA cant solve the worlds problems, and I would realize that the USA is going to have to use what we have until other technologies are available to use with a reasonable price.

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