
If you were referred to a restaurant (by a relative) but saw their Health Inspection report, C- would stay ?

by Guest60516  |  earlier

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If you were referred to a restaurant (by a relative) but saw their Health Inspection report, C- would stay ?




  1. If a health inspection report is C- then it probably won't make you sick. Standards really are higher than in your own kitchen. Unless you're cooking it yourself in your own kitchen you really don't know what you're eating. I've seen a kitchen overrun with roaches and silverware coming out of the dishwasher with pieces of steak on the forks. And this place a meal was at least $20 a plate in the 80s, a country club. Ask your friends that work in food service. Fast food is probably your safest, unless one of the cooks is extremely passive aggressive.

  2. i would grow my own food and cook it. i would not eat there.

  3. No I would not, for the simple reason is that, health inspectors are paid well to notice sanitary conditions, food preparations and they do take notice to those who have reported getting sick. Also that meat needs to be served at a certain temperature, as well the food that is refrigerated must be kepted at a certain temperature. Read the inspection notice and ratings, this will give the reason(s) why they did not pass.

  4. EEEEEEEEEW!! NO!! There are so many weird things out there I would run a mile But you never see these reports do you? heh heh heh

  5. Probably not until the sanitation grade was brought up.

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