
If you were shrank to the size of an atom, what would the world around you look like?

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If you were shrank to the size of an atom, what would the world around you look like?




  1. u probably have any eyes! u wud be so small, so small that u wont have any eyes no brains. If suppose they were there also, they wont work! erything wud be so minute!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I have no idea...nobody knows for sure

  3. Nothing. You would see zilch.

  4. Mostly empty space

  5. big

  6. electrons would be moons

  7. For one thing your eyes would be so small that they would not be able to interact with light waves, so it would be very dark.  You can not so much "see" electron pressure as "feel" it.  A scanning electron microscope will give you an idea though of what atoms look like to something as large as a human being.    Here is a link that will show you what atoms look like through an electron microscope:

  8. imagine the bubble boy in space...

  9. Is it really worth spending time thinking about? I'll let you decide.

  10. O.K., I am not even sure you would be able to see at all. First of all, if you were that small what would happen to all YOUR atoms? do they stay with you but shrink as well? Or do they stay the same size?

    Let's assume they stay with you. Now, you probably wouldn't be able to see anything the way you do here because color is determined at an atomic level. You would probably not see color.

    Other than that, you would probably not see large round spheres like in textbooks and images. Atoms are not simply balls of matter- they are composed of a nucleus in the center and then some small whizzing particles around it. So you would see basically lots of fast-moving mini-solar-system-looking things.

    Also, you probably wouldn't be able to tell what kind of substance you were looking at without counting the particles in the nucleus. Even then you would never know the difference between two objects made of the same elements.

    Assuming you survived the experience, though, you would have a great story to tell your friends.

  11. If you were reduced to the size of an atom, the world around you would appear to be like what space is to us today, a series of individual universes. Everything is relative, including size.

  12. as in an atom in a shell round a nucleus.

    then all you would see is other electrons in your same shell, inner shell or outer shell.

    but watch out for the other nucleus's about to collide.

    he he he


  13. you wouldn't see anything, you'd be too small, if a photon did hit you it would probably kill you, and you better hope that an electron or neutron doesn't hit you.

  14. the same as before, because YOU were the one who were shrank,not the world.

  15. A haze from the buzz of all the electrons spinning around you.

  16. Well, at the size of an atom, you would be smaller

    than the wave length of most optical light.

    You would be seeing only things with much

    smaller wave lengths (beyond ultraviolet).

    Presumably everything would be moving

    violently around you due to brownian motion,


    I doubt sight would be all that meaningful.

  17. A lot larger than it does right now

  18. All you'd see is other atoms.

  19. bloody massive

  20. Do atoms have eyes?

  21. I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto...

  22. Big?

  23. Black!!!!

  24. Very fuzzy.  Objects wouldn't have clearly-defined boundaries because quantum effects would be easily visible.  For instance, one of the simplest objects, a hydrogen atom, would look like a small but fuzzy nucleus surrounded by a spherical region of empty space, then a spherical cloud then more empty space.  The spherical cloud would be the electron.  There wouldn't be any sharp corners or straight lines.  To get a very rough idea of what the world would look like, google some images of electron micrographs.  For instance if you image a molecule with an electron microscope, it's all blobs and rounded edges, not very much like the molecular models you build in chemistry at school.

  25. Unknown at best.

    Remember Disneyland Tommland ride

    Inner Space by Monsanto Corp.

    Very Unique.

    Best bet see Sci Fic movie

    FANTASTIC VOYAGE, 1966 for sample view into being small.

    Classic Cold War Sci Fic movie.

    Unique for Time since pre CGI.

    Live actors used.

    On DVD & VHS.


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