
If you were slowly being killed by a serial killer or knew he was about to kill you...?

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What would you say to convince him to let you live. Would it even be possible to change his mind due to his psychological disorders?

Is anyone else interested in the psychological disorders of serial killers? If I didn't have a record I would definitely be interested in becoming a criminal profiler.




  1. I hope I never have to find out.  

    You try to establish a relationship with the person.  If they are not a total psychopath, it may prevent them from killing you.  I would still continue to try and find a way to notify authorities or escape, but I would also try to humanize myself in the eyes of the captor.

  2. Don't even kid yourself... a true serial killer is often a sociopath. Schizophrenics, etc. are usually too dysfunctional to evade the police long enough to be classified as a serial killer (there are exceptions of course). If you're dealing with a sociopath, you're not talking to someone who cares about anything but what he/she wants to do at the moment. In other words, you're kind of screwed if you aren't able to get away from them or disable them somehow.

  3. id think you would be able to stop him if he had a phychological disorder. but it fasinates me too. how could those ppl do that? its horrible. but they're missing sumthin in the brain that most ppl have to were it doesnt phase them one bit. but not all killers have a mental problem

  4. Kill or be killed.


  5. Well, aside from defending yourself, you could pretend that you enjoy it. They don't like when you enjoy getting killed. It takes away from their power trip.

  6. getting into the head of a serial killer,is easier than you would need to know his/her past, what caused their hatred,and what triggers their cold, hateful,..non conciencous viciousness...the lack of remorse, the ability to fit in to society without being suspected..the ability to kill, and not get caught...I would bring it all to the forfront, and pray  

  7. I'm interested in this kind of stuff too. You'd literally have to s***w with his head. If he believes in alien n***s, you'd have to get him to believe the alien n***s don't want him to kill you like...

    What... What's that? I don't know, he wants to kill me. You... You don't want him to kill me? Then why don't you tell him? Why are you telling me to say it to him? ...Ugh fine.

    Sir, there's an alien n**i behind you and he's trying to get me to tell you that if you kill me, then you're going to bleed from your ears.

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