
If you were stranded in the desert and it will be days if helped arrive, would it be wise to eat that ..?

by  |  earlier

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...rotten sandwich you've been carrying around, or just toss it all together and hope for the best?




  1. you can survive for days without food and you could probably find some anyways

  2. I would be more concerned with finding water.  You can live without food for a few days.

  3. i would toss it no need to be sweating and vomiting with diarrhea from food poisoning

  4. You can last a lot longer without food than water.  

    I would work on making the water safe to drink- boiling, maybe? Mud does not kill you. Bacteria can. Boiled muddy water is better than none at all.

    Of course since this is all speculation, I would just power up my satellite phone and place a call for rescue and an air drop of water.  Best solution.

  5. probably toss it, chances are it'll just make you sick.  mabe could eat the bread, but i don't know if i'd risk it

  6. Eat the rotten sandwich.  It'll make you puke and you can eat that, which would make you puke and you can eat again, etc.  You'd have a food resource for a couple days until they find you.  The best suggestion would be to not get stranded in the desert or always carry around a cooler.

  7. If you were wise, you wouldn't go to the desert.

    But since you did go, then...naahh... I wouldn't eat sth rotten. After all, i would die.

    Why would I want to eat a rotten sandwich since I'd die anyway?


  8. You can go for days without food but water should be your main concern.

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