
If you were stranded on a desert island,what 2 things would you take with u?

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  1. A woman and a fishing pole.

    PS: I think the people who said they would take a boat, missed the word in your question "STRANDED". We also have a mentally deficient troll in our midst.

  2. my kitten and a speed boat (so i can get back and bring stuff over lol)

    or a phone and something that will make it work out there and order stuff in lol  

  3. A lifetime supply of food and water.

  4. cell phone with gps (fully charged), and a bookbag full of food and water

  5. 1: A friend

    2: Gun

    A friend so I would not be alone, And a gun so I could kill animals and get food.

  6. A speedboat and some petrol.

  7. A nautical chart and a boat.

  8. a ticket off the island and 14 days worth of shopping good holliday

  9. A cel phone and matches

  10. i would take a huge jar of marmite ( thats a bugga to get hold of desert islands) robbie williams,,,, what else does a woman need fgs  

  11. Sara michelle gellar and natalie portman.

  12. A gun and 1 bullet.

    Of the same caliber as the gun.

  13. a really big jug of food and water that never empties, and a gorgeous lady, that changes every night..

  14. A strong hunting knife & some sort of water filterer. :) Incase you cant find a good sorce of clean fresh water :D

  15. A giant, GIANT container of fresh water, and a fishing pole complete with hooks and stuff.

  16. A big ocean going boat with a full crew.  

  17. a non plug in air conditioner,

    and a car w/ gas and it working really good, good enough for me to drive back home or to the closest city.

  18. I would love to be stranded on a desert island with you my love.

  19. a life supply of food,

    and a cell phone with reception.

  20. I would take a magic lamp and some sunscreen, so that I won't sunburn while I decide what to wish for on my own island.  ;)

  21. A Biologist - they would know what is edible

    My wife

  22. Computer and phone. Then i can be rescued =]

  23. cell phone and mp3 player.

  24. 1 A Compass.

    2 A Speedboat.

  25. A piece of flint and a good knife for survival. = )

  26. assortment of illicit drugs to kill time


    a jetpack to go back home

  27. Michael Phelps & Swimsuit.

  28. KFC to last me for however long my stay is, and stays at the correct temperature.

    And also lots of people who come well equiped qith qater and life support items and essentials.

    What would you take

  29. a boat and a s**y girl. (the boat would have things on it like string and ovens and rooms to sleep so i could eat and fish and stuff)

  30. Emergency Radio and powdered food to last a week

  31. Un unending stash of booze and grass.

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