
If you were stranded on an island and could only take one PS3 game, what game would you take?

by  |  earlier

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You are stranded on a island with electricity, internet, PS3, HDTV, and plenty of food and water. You can only take one game, what game would you take?

Remember, only ONE game...

You are leaving Jan. 1, 2009 so as long as the game is released before then, you can take it.

I'll post my answer when I pick the best answer.




  1. CALL OF DUTY 4 FTW!!!!!

  2. Little Big Planet all the way.  that could probably keep me entertained for years!

  3. I'll take Fallout 3

  4. One PS3 game... I'd probably take any RPG with great replay value. Something like Oblivion.

    I'd probably spend more time wondering why I'm not using my internet connection to get myself rescued though.

  5. First of all if I memorize my debit card number and I have internet access, I can download any PSN game I want and you can't stop me. Ha Ha! and yes I do have it memorized so they can't take the number away.

    For that reason I wouldn't take any game available from the playstation store. That's the reason nobody has said Warhawk of course. Since I already own Warhawk, I wouldn't even have to pay for it, I would just have to log on and download it again.

    I wouldn't take any GTA game because in my opinion GTA died after GTA 2. Ever since GTA 3 it lost its sense of humor and was all gangster-this gangster-that.

    I wouldn't bring Metal Gear Solid 4 because I still haven't finished Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty, which I started to finish in preparation for getting mgs4, and then near the end suddenly Raiden is running around naked, and the level is hard to finish, and I got sick of seeing Raiden naked real quick so I haven't finished it yet.

    I wouldn't bring any sports game to any desert island, no way no how. How I hate the sports game franchises.

    Honestly the cleverest game that I've seen recently was Overlord, the one where you're an evil Overlord and you have to conjure and control your minions to do fell deeds. I would probably bring that one, and then I would use my debit card number to download lots of other stuff, including gran turismo 5, and you couldn't stop me! ha ha.

  6. ............. waste of space

  7. MGS4 definetely. it has online but that game is just incredible, and i could play it over and over again, the online is just a bonus. but if it would be out by then, i would have picked FFXIII.  

  8. obviously resistance 2  

  9. I would bring SOCOM: Confrontation.

    I don't have a PS3 yet but I would totally move to that island for a free PS3 and HDTV. I hope I can bring my headset though.

  10. well since its september and it not really long till 2009 i would go with gta4

    it will take me some time to pass it copletle so might as well

  11. MGS4 BABY

  12. That's a weird island. No joke.

  13. Madden 09

  14. the game that tells me how te escape an island hhahahhaha

  15. none PS3 is garbage

  16. Probably Little Big Planet baby!!!!!

    With all the levels that will be on there=endless fun.

  17. I can't decide, so, I'll copy all of the games onto one disc and just take them. Endless hours of Mercenaries 2 until I get bored and want to play Ratchet and Clank Future. Then I could have all of my PS3 games on one disc ha!

  18. GTA 4, i guess.  

  19. Only one game? :(

    Considering I've already beaten MGS4 and got most of the emblems, I probably won't take that game ( don't get me wrong, it's still one of my favorite games of all time!), even with the online.

    If I get it, I'll take Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion with me, seems strange I would pick such an old game ( well, OK, it's 2 years old), but I've never played it before. The game is at least 150+ hours worth of gameplay if you do the main quest plus the side quests, so it'll last me for quite a while on the island. Also, can I bring an expansion pack? Assuming an expansion pack doesn't count as another game, I'll take the Shivering Isles expansion along with that, adding another 20 hours to that ( according to Agent 47).

    Maybe I'll hide MGS4 in the disc case of Oblivion ( along with Oblivion)  and have 2 games now, he he he...

    Oh, and the hours I won't be playing will be spent trying to build a raft to escape or lighting a signal fire

    EDIT: c**p... I have internet right? I'll download a bunch of games from the Playstation Store, muahahahahahaha! But wait, I can't bring a credit card on the island...

    EDIT: Yea, I would be able to play PS3 all day and relax ( which I can't do in real life), but it would get lonely. You read my mind

  20. Well it would probably be a multiplayer game. so i would go for call of duty world at war.

  21. I'd bring LittleBigPlanet, endless replay value..

  22. Madden 2009 for shure

  23. MGS4

  24. Socom Confrontation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Resistance 2

  26. american idol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    i love david archuleta!!!!!!!!!

    answer mine please!!!;...

  27. I think it will be out then so I will say, Little Big Planet. I think tha game will be awsome. And yes I would have picked it even without your avatar being from that game.

  28. i will pick GTA 4 this game is the best game ever

    i has good game play

  29. LittleBigPlanet, because it'll have endless amount of custom levels.

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