
If you were stuck in the wild for 12 days what would you rather eat Lobster or Steak?

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Remember you have to eat this for 12 whole days!!!

Think very wisley




  1. Well, if this WAS possible, definitely steak.

  2. steak yummmmmmmmmmmmm

  3. Steak...medium rare please!

  4. Steaaak. As long as it's cooked well done!

  5. If your stuck in the wild there would be no lobster or steak!There are no cows or lobsters in the wild!

  6. Neither. I've seen too many Survivor Man episodes.

    I could do better than Lobster or steak!

  7. what type of wild do you get stuck in where u get Lobster and Steak? wow i'm deffinately bringing u next time i go camping. . . actually i'm a vegetarian so c) none of the above

  8. I would eat bugs if I didn't eat for 12 days.

  9. I know there is no such thing on a wild Island but too enjoy the Fantasy..

    LOBSTER every day.....

  10. STEAK 24/7 BABY

  11. steak...but i would lose weight

  12. I really don't like the taste of Lobster.  If it were between shrimp and steak...I'd pick shrimp.

  13. id probebly end up eating my hand. i guess tahts a steak

  14. I'd fast.

  15. Steak would probably be more filling and you'd want that considering all the work you would have to do as far as building shelter, finding water, etc.

  16. wisely?  i have never had lobster.  i know i love steak , so i choose STEAK  [protein too] :)

  17. Lobster.

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