
If you were stuck on a desert island...?

by Guest66645  |  earlier

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who or what would you want to be stuck with??




  1. I would want to be stuck with my boyfriend, my son, some papaya, cherry and coconut trees.

  2. I'd want to be stuck with a walmart and my dog

  3. i would have to pick the hottest girl in school which name i will not reveal, ok us Gianna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. A fishing pole,hooks,an axe and a knife.

  5. A transporter!

  6. I think you mean a deserted Island a desert Island would have no food or water. I would like my husband since he can do anything by the end of the first day he would have found food water shelter and made a radio out of two coconuts.  Oh and the bible to read. Oh and some sunscreen.

  7. A very talented person with an aircraft and fuel...

  8. Definetely Paris Hilton!

  9. Pamela anderson.

  10. Id want my cell phone, the guy i like, my ipod, a computer, some drinks and food, and some friends.

    either all that stuff or the one and only yummilicious alex evans

  11. Several cases of rum

  12. Okay, wait, are we being realistic here or just saying what we would bring that's personal?  And how much stuff can we bring?

    Realisically, I'd bring a boat with me to get off the island.  And if I could have a second thing to bring along it would be a GPS system so I can find my way to land.

    Personally?  Chocolate and one of my best friends so I wouldn't go hungry and wouldn't be bored to death.

  13. my girl friend, tools to build a shelter, a guitar, and blankets

    but if i magically get electricity, then, a guitar, cooking supplies, still my girlfriend, tools, and lamps and a stereo, and maybe a laptop if i get wireless connection

  14. my girlfriend, i working cruise boat and a metal detector so i can see if there's any gold or silver on the island.

  15. Water. Warm clothing as it gets really cold in the desert, summer clothing as it gets hot during the day. My BF for company and food of course and not forgeting shelter.

  16. i would want to be stuck with a bottle, and a hatchet. that's all i need


  18. a working phone with signal so i could get help immediately,

    and everything that im gonna need while i wait

  19. A lifetime supply of food

  20. Courtney

  21. You didn't give me a limit on people so I want several! lol Yes I am taking advantage! They need to know how to survive and be intelligent and s**y and open minded! Also the what would be the gear to hook up some electricity!

  22. a really fat guy so I could eat him for months to come.

  23. A box with everything I ever wanted in it.

  24. I would want to be stuck with my girl, since I never have enough time to spend with her; (: provided that we are stuck there with water and sufficient food; Otherwise, I would just stick to being stuck with a camel and a cactus.

  25. TG

  26. Everything that I would ever need to survive.

  27. the teletubbies and an endless supply of condoms ;)....if ya kno wat im' saying?! lol

    those colored fellows drive me crazy!

  28. What - a do it yourself yacht kit, and a lot of food that doesn't go bad

    Who - Ten hot straight babes who know carpentry and sailing,

  29. What ever it would take to survive.

  30. well a whole case of this!!!

  31. my music, friends and family, T.V and computer lolz, and a cell phone so i could get the h**l out of there!

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