
If you were the judge?

by Guest44958  |  earlier

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and the laws were different what would you have done to a child molester




  1. To be a judge is a very responsible and profound job. If I were judging a child molestering case I would have to examine all the evidence as well as make a study of the convicted felon before deciding on the best way to punish or to improve the offender.

    Should my decision lay outside the way the law specifies that punishment shall be given, I would also endevour to change the law.

    Within the situation about which the questioner asks, it would consequently be possible to mutulate the sexual parts of the molester, as well as a less violent alternative of sending him to work for the community, and to help him to understand what effect similar crimes to his have done to their victims.

  2. Well, since I believe anyone who would do something so horrific has got to be pretty messed up in the head, I'd get the individual some much needed psychiatric help (while keeping him or her away from the rest of society) instead of just tossing the person away with a bunch of other criminals for a while and expecting him or her to miraculously become a better person by the time a prison sentence is up.

    I would also institute a police probe into the person's background/family life to see if there are more truly disturbed people of the ilk needing help managing destructive behavior and emotional stress.  Most forms of abuse have been shown to have generational roots (i.e. your grandfather abuses your father who abuses you), so there is likely a negative environment in play.

    The more we, as a society can do to focus on the root causes for this completely unacceptable behavioral pattern instead of just concentrating on punishing those responsible to satisfy some lust for vengeance (which, if such things worked to deter, capital punishment would've ended intentional murders years ago).

    I think what's important to remember is that these incidents are not isolated actions of one individual versus another.  They're products of larger problems that exist in today's society and which go, for the most part, unnoticed and not addressed.  

    So, if I were a judge and laws were different, I would try to change the larger issue instead of enacting some Draconian torture on one guilty human being.

  3. I think being in prison with other ppl who know what u did may be bad enough. After they get out, they should be followed, or tracked.

    Also it depends on the child too.

  4. I'd have that guy executed in the slowest and most painful way possible.
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