
If you were the last human on earth would there be anything to live for? ?

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Let say you woke up one morning and all the people in the world disappeared, except for you. What would you do and how long do you think you could live for? Is life worth living if your the only one of your kind left on earth?




  1. no there would be nothing worth to live for if that's the case. But if there is one other survior of the oppsite gender..then they can start repopulating the earth.  

  2. I would do a lot of praying. A lot. I would try to survive for as long as possible. I would try to read as much as possible to keep my mind busy.

  3. i dont think because i want to be a doctor so who am i gonna help?

    i want to learn who is going to teach me and who am i gonna teach?

    perhaps i will just pray until my day comes

  4. Dear Mike:

    There are always reasons to live for even if by yourself. When that end comes, stop and look around, breath in the clear air and praise your maker that the beauty of the world remains to provide food, water and shelter. The time could be spent on traveling around the globe or building whatever you want in the way of housing, farming, or writing. It will be for yourself and there will not be any nay sayers to interrupt you. Enjoy that you have survived and hope for another human to share your life.


  5. I'd go to central Africa.  Well, I would spend the rest of my life in that situation reading books, and teaching hominids (gorillas, chimpanzees, gibbons) how to live like man, and leave them to it in different areas around africa.  Then come back to them every decade to see if they improved or reverted back to nature.

    Hopefully these animal would make better sentients' than man.

  6. I would persist... First things first, I would set up a perimeter. This would probably at a Bass Pro Shop or something like that. Easy access to camping supplies and generators.

    Then would come food. I could easily procure non-perishables from a grocery store and catching anything loose.

    Now comes power. Most power in New England comes from hydro-electric dams... Easily restored if you had the info on how to work the computers... To the Library.... Of Congress! I have alot of background knowledge in mechanics and engineering, so I would at least take a shot at it.

    With power restored I can get gasoline and pump it into whatever I needed to. With no power I could use a hand pump to siphon gas out of other vehicles.

    I can't fly a plane. But a Gyrocopter yes. In fact there are several models made for people with little to no flight experience... Again another thing I could work on until I figured it out... And boats are simple actually.

    In total I think I could pull off the average human life span without much difficulty. I wouldn't have much of a problem with everyone gone... I don't like being around large groups anyways, but I do think I might become lonely after a long while.

  7. That is quite an unnerving question.

    Initially I thought I would read, or play music - both things that I love doing. But reading is all about relating to other people through books - I would find it too sad, and music no fun unless there is someone to listen.

    On a bit of reflection I would travel to places I had loved, and places I had never been to. I would see the architecture, paint it. Strangely I find I can paint for my own pleasure, but not do music that way.

    And, provided there were enough sheep to keep the grass down, I would play a great deal of golf on courses I cannot normally afford.

  8. Thats funny the GO USA!! girl said she would pray alot. If all the humans were wiped off the earth wouldnt that be proof god isnt real?? Because if he loved everyone he wouldnt wipe them all out then leave you to cope for yourself. Oh, and i would travel and explore and draw and grow some herbs and do all the things i couldnt do with all the dumb ***' running around this planet. oh and id learn to play the ukelele and RIP solos.  

  9. If one person is left, that person must find the why. Why are you the only one if i was the last one i would search for the why for the rest of my life.

  10. no way. i dont live for myself. my life would be nothing without the people i love.

  11. Thats a tough question to ponder.  I think I would first establish a food and water acquisition plan.  Shelter shouldn't be too much of a problem and then there is the question of are there any animals.  I'd look for a dog for companionship.  I would then begin to chronical the events which led up to the demise of mankind for whomever or whatever will discover the aftermath.

  12. I would be very lonley. But i stil dont know if i would wanna die... but i dunno really....

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