
If you were the last man on earth what would you do?

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How about if you were the only man on earth alone with 2 really hot woman?




  1. id reinvent the wheel. if no women would there be sheep?

  2. I would turn the lights back on.

  3. A lot of vitamin E and ginseng, and eat  a lot of oysters. And get ready for a lot of fun with all the women left to repopulate the earth.

  4. depends if there are any women left--  you did not specify

  5. Hmmm, last "man" on earth.... Just try the best as possible to survive

  6. The last man or the last human ?

    The last man with some women: I will repopulate the world !!!

    The last human; I will be bored to the death....

  7. Depends.

    How many women are left?

  8. basically, anything i wanted to. why not? i can't break any laws and i can only hurt myself.

  9. I'd call in sick to work.  No point in going in if no one's going to be there.

  10. Last man on Earth!? Hmm.......

    It would be plain boring.

    Having s*x with some girls would only leed to everyone being related.

    I would stock up on everything and live somewhere secertly. No woman will find me, ever!

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