
If you were the last person on earth and u could have one person with you hew would it be?

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If you were the last person on earth and u could have one person with you hew would it be?




  1. no one.

    I want to be alone.

  2. probly 1 of my family members.

  3. My super awesome boyfriend.

  4. my wife.

    and we would

    f--- like minks, raise rugrats and live happily ever after.

  5. my bf

  6. God...

    He would know who I wanted

    to be wth,what I wanted, and what I

    should have!

  7. James Hetfield

  8. MacGiver

  9. Bill Murray so that we could laugh while the world ended.

  10. My wife, when times are hard I'd never have confidence in anyone else.

  11. My son

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