
If you were the manager of Rangers how would you solve the problems they are having?

by  |  earlier

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Had enough talk about who is to blame if your all so smart how do they fix it?

Funny answers welcome




  1. christ zombie,i aint jesus.they need spiritual intervention and the pontiff,as u know,aint too keen on the teddy bears,

  2. I am sorry i cant make miracles happen

  3. Easy enough solved i would commit arson with-in Ibrox, that way i could get some funds from the insurance for my brand spanking new team of Greenland players and play my home games at Murray Park...

  4. i would move kirk broadfeet to cetral midfield we need a creative player in there, then i would remove the picture of the queen from our dressing room im sure wee nacho has a quick shake and vac to her face before games and uses up his energy, then i would ask dermot desmond for some of our money back that they got off us for miller and our european failure, then i would try and get wee strachan in to do some coaching, and before matches get artur boruc to come and say the rosary, and if all else fails tell them if they dont beat falkirk they will all share a shower with richard gough and they will ALL drop there soap!! follow follow, watp.

  5. play a 433 formation...boyd novo and miller up front...novo and miller do all the runnning big kris puts them away...keep cueller at all costs and lose dailly..sorry he's a liability...start playing for the win..we have players who can do it if played in the right position....watp....

  6. If I was Watty wi 2 bullets ... I'd put the clubs interest first, and shoot mccoist once ....

    ... and then shoot him again to be sure!!!

  7. Zombie ive no idea.

    Dont even think bob can fix it.

  8. Enlist David Tennant, borrow the tardis, go back to the mid-eighes, assasinate Gorbachev, USSR does not break up, no mega rich Russians, then maybe in with chance of beating Lithuanians?

    (Otherwise next team holiday to the Vatican(?) and pray for miracle)

  9. Drop down a division and try again.

  10. sign half the united team.  oops, hope i haven't given him ideas....

  11. Jim'll fix it !...well he can't do any worse can he.

  12. not aware of any problems oh is that what the emergency meeting about i better go the Bro`s will be waiting

  13. The first thing to change would have to be their attitude. I would do this by taking the wages off any player not performing on the park and giving it to a charity of the fans choice.

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