
If you were the owner of a bar how would you name it?

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If you were the owner of a bar how would you name it?




  1. well it is simple. you could call it the name of your choice. you could call it your name. or you could call it a fresh name like sunny day refreshers.

  2. I was and my wife would'nt let me call it b-llocks

  3. 'That Bar' when people ask "where r u going tonight?" they will answer "that bar". It makes a conversational piece and hard to forget! :)

    Either that or H20.


  4. "Drink!"

  5. Well I wouldn't post that here. Someone might steal the name and not pay me any royalties.

  6. I'd tie the name to something with a story behind it. If the building has a history, link it to that. Have a good vacation memory?

    Then again, you could just go for fun. I mean, who doesn't like monkeys? I'd name it The Cheeky Monkey. :-)

  7. depending on the color of the puke

  8. the **** and balls

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