
If you were the parents of Madeleine McCann would you want to?

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go to a psychic just to know if Madeleine is still alive? I know I would!




  1. i would go anywhere and do anything,they went to a psychic didnt they,colin whatever his name is?this person who has tracked her trail to the beach 500yds away is also a ? psychic

  2. How on earth is a psychic going to help to find their daughter when the combined forces of the Portuguese and British police could not?

    The trouble with the McCanns is that they are catholics and like all catholics they believe in all sorts of primitive rituals and superstitions.

    This is just the latest example.

    They tried to get the pope to help them find Maddie.

    He made a world of difference!!

  3. I think the parents of Little Maddie should be arrested for neglect and child endangerment.  They left all 3 children alone in the room while they went out to have fun. Parenting is a full-time job and if they didn't want to deal with the kids they should have left them with relatives.

  4. I'm sure they've done that already.

    Doesn't this whole thing with Madeleine McCann seem a bit suspicious to anyone?

    Good answer Kiwi! That's what I've been thinking all along!

  5. They are Catholics so I doubt if they would try that way.

  6. Exactly why is this in the royalty section?

  7. If I was Madeleine's mother, I'd never have left her alone in the first place.

  8. psychic what a joke thy only know what info you feed them its not posable for a psychic to know anything because if that was posable she would be found now months ago same as any other child that's missing lets be real psychics are fakes

  9. Anything is worth a try so yes but l can understand them wanting to get the younger children back to normality but as for what it says giving Madelines toys away how true is that and l could not leave her in a foreign country until l had found her however exspensive as l love my children.

  10. The Mc Canns are nothing to do with royalty.

  11. i don't believe in psychics.

    the dead feel, hear & know nothing.

    i'm not sure what i would do if i was the mccanns.

    i would HATE TO BE THEM!

  12. Y is this in royalty???

    Child abusers are scum

    but then again mayb its in the right section

  13. You've just lined yourself up for abuse by the people who have no more of an idea of what happened than we do.

  14. Psychics,My dog has more of an idea than a psychic.

  15. no certainly not. psychics are lunatics. they guess at things. they know nothing.

  16. Why is this under royalty?

    If psychic's had any proven success rate they'd know:

    a. Whether she was alive and

    b. Where she was

    Trusting in something that is complete rubbish is foolish in th extreme.

  17. I have been Spiritualy sensitive since the age of 5, and I have two answers to give you

    number one is I fully support the family and feel terable for what thoes two parents are going through. and if they came to me I would be so determind to find their daughter. this nightmare must be h**l for all concerned.

    Number two is that people with abilities to the parranormal such as myself are not scientists so to speak, also we do not have any degree's or High level jobs... we are not recognised... so often we are ignored, If I ran into that hotell, full of police talking about a lead, and i said "she whent that way" who do you believe, the police, or some bloke?

    the only thing to stop me helping that family is one other point...

    Child go missing - people serch cant find - man offers help - man finds child (possibaly very quickly) in ?????... what state is she alive or has she pased on, is she brused etc... and that so called Psychic new where to find her... now, what do you think of the man... oh, an what do the corts and the jury think of that man,

    Im sory, maby we could have helped... but sometimes its just not worth it.

    All my thoughts are with Madaline and her family. one day this nightmare will end.

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