
If you were to ask a question or wanted to ask a question about the JFK Assassination what would you ask?

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If you were to ask a question or wanted to ask a question about the JFK Assassination what would you ask?




  1. Who really killed JFK?

  2. Is it true that Jackie knew who shot her husband, maybe even SAW who shot him, and kept quiet because she had small children to protect, and married A.O. because he could keep her safe from those she KNEW were behind it?

  3. Why was the autopsy handled so sloppily? Oh wait, because the CIA killed him.

  4. So many unanswered questions but here's one; Who was the guy impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City at the American consulate in the days before the assassination and why was he there?

  5. Is it coincidence that you (JFK) were assassinated the day before you were about to change the fiat money system into something the Bankers of the World could not control?

  6. Who did it and why?- There is one truth that will always stand- Oswald did not do it. Best guess?- He was taking the power away from the CIA.

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